Need Fast Shipping For Injection Molding? Xcentric Now Offers 13-Day Standard Delivery!
Fast shipping – yes! We are excited to offer injection molding customers Xcentric Fast shipping, our new 13-day standard delivery – a full 48 hours less than the previous standard delivery, to support their clients in meeting growing customer demands.
“Most of our clients have expressed their struggle to meet the increased market pressure to get products to market faster,” said Mark Strobel, Vice President of Marketing at Xcentric. “Our new, 13-day standard delivery time is a business solution that helps our clients meet their customers’ demand for a near-continuous flow of new products and enhanced features.”
By meeting this need, Xcentric is able to provide services that are even more customer focused. This is all part of the company’s desire to create lasting relationships with their clients and to let customers know that Xcentric is more than just aware of current customer needs – they’re doing something about it.
Xcentric actively works to continuously improve their production process. The reduced standard delivery time applies to the most common sizes of injection-molded components that are produced in one of more than 50 stock materials.
When speaking to clients about how this new decrease in shipping will positively affect their bottom line, Strobel said, “[It’s] 2 full days off our previous standard delivery times. That means you get 2 additional days to optimize your design, conduct what-if analysis, or squeeze in that last new part feature while still meeting your go-to-market targets.”
Additional shipping options allow customers to select even faster, expedited levels of shipping which can reduce shipping time to as few as five (5) business days. These expedited shipping options are based on the complexity of design and materials chosen.
Xcentric Mold & Engineering was founded in 1997 as a quick-turn plastic injection molding manufacturer. Since then, Xcentric has expanded its services to include CNC Machining, Rapid Prototyping, and 3D Printing. From Fortune 100 companies to start-ups throughout America, Xcentric creates parts for customers in a wide variety of industries such as healthcare, aerospace, automotive, and defense.
To learn more about Xcentric Mold & Engineering’s faster delivery time, or to speak with a team member about how this change can affect your business, contact us at 586-598-4636.